
You’re here because you’re studying for the LSAT. You’re also likely struggling to figure out which materials and resources are going to serve you best in your goal to improve your score.

CIRCUIT LOGIC is not a traditional curriculum. There are lots of those in the world, many of them quite good, and we didn’t feel the need to do battle with those resources. Circuit Logic is instead designed to supplement and clarify those curricula by allowing you to see the universality of the content on the Logical Reasoning section of the LSAT.

We believe that all arguments are created fundamentally the same. There is a small set of standards, and each argument or passage you face will map to that set of standards, leaving you a simple and repeatable approach to analyzing it. Once you find that approach, you can spend your time and energy in service of predicting answer choices instead of falling down endless rabbit holes trying to justify or debate among them. With those predictions, answering the questions that are asked of you becomes the last piece of the puzzle, and all those lessons you've learn elsewhere will suddenly come into focus.

So, with that in mind, get ready to have your MIND BLOWN!!!!!

This is going to be awesome.